Euroeste in Angola
In Angola, Euroese´s activity branches between the development of Own Projets and the provision of Study, Management and Implementation services of Other Projets.
Own Projets
Santo António´s Farm is placed in Tari, near Kibala town, in the province of Kwanza Sul and has an area of 5,500 hectares, on which an agroindustrial project is being developed. This project has a wide range of activities, such as agricultural production (corn, soybean, wheat, barley and vegetables), drying and storage of cereals, feed production, livestock (pigs, cattle and goats) and fuba (corn meal) production, with its own brand marketed in Angola: TARI.
With several acting areas which demand experience and qualification, the project includes specialized labor. The professional training given at Santo António´s Farm to agricultural and agro-livestock technicians, and the importance given to the creation and conservation of jobs, increased the project relevance at both national and international levels. Today the project accounts for 150 workers, and it will have 300 workers when it reaches cruise speed.
The livestock activities developed at Santo António´s Farm and the respective areas, annual production volumes, and installed capacities can be summarized as it follows:
- Corn:
- 3.700 hectares of irrigated land;
- Annual production of 36.000 tonnes.
- Soy:
- 150 hectares of irrigated land;
- Annual production of 600 tonnes.
- Wheat and Barley:
- 150 hectares of irrigated land;
- Annual production of 600 tonnes.
- Vegetables:
- 200 hectares.
Agricultural Production:
- Drying capacity: 100.000 tonnes/year;
- Storage capacity: 10.000 tonnes.
Drying and Storage of cereals:
- Production capacity: 15.000 tonnes/year;
- Feed intake: 5.800 tonnes/year.
Feed Production:
- Pigs:
- Effective: 750 sows;
- Annual production: 20.000 animals.
- Cattle:
- Effetive: 2.000 animals;
- Annual Production: 2.000 bulls.
- Goats:
- Genetic Nucleus;
- Marketing of breeding goats to other farms.
Animal Production:
- Production capacity: 10.000 tonnes/year.
Fuba (corn meal) Production:
The project also presents a social component which aims to improve the life quality of the local community, namely in Tari´s neighborhood. The set of promoted and accomplished actions includes, among other initiatives, the collection of school supplies, the recovery of school and health center facilities. To help or gather more information please contact
Download the brochure of Santo António´s Farm in .pdf
Other Projects
Euroeste has been developing several initiatives in Angola, working today in 6 different provinces, with projects of various purposes and features, in which Euroeste´s involment may go up to 3 of the following stages:
- Elaboration of the economic project;
- Project implementation;
- Project management.
- 2.845 ha of irrigated land for cereal production;
- 100 ha of irrigated land for lucerne production;
- 450 ha of irrigated land for vegetables production;
- Horticultural central;
- 10.000 ha for sugar cane production;
- 400 ha of vineyard, with winery;
- 720 sows in closed loop;
- 4.000 cows for milk production;
- 500 cows for meat production;
- 2.000 fattening bullocks.
- 6000 laying hens.
- 500 ha of irrigated land for cereal production;
- 14 ha of vegetables greenhouses and nurseries;
- 100 ha of irrigated land for potato production.
- 2.000 ha of irrigated land for rice production;
- Unit for drying, shelling and bagging rice.
- 20.000 ha of irrigated land for cereal production;
- 500 ha of irrigated land for vegetables production;
- 500 ha of irrigated land for tomato destined to industry production;
- Horticultural central;
- Tomato plant;
- Soybean extrusion plant;
- Feed plant;
- Fuba (corn meal) plant;
- 2.200 sows in closed loop;
- 2.200 cows for milk production;
- Slaughterhouse and sausages (55.000 pigs/year);
- Production and slaughter of poultry (250.000 chickens/day).
- 1.000 ha of irrigated land for cereal production;
- 6.000 ha of grazing in dryland;
- 1.000 ha of irrigated land for rice production;
- Unit for drying, shelling and bagging rice;
- Feed plant;
- Fuba (corn meal) plant;
- 720 sows in closed loop;
- 2.200 cows for milk production;
- 8.000 cows for meat production;
- 150 ha of irrigated land for potato production;
- Horticultural central.
Kwanza Sul:
Kwanza Norte: